The Aims of Education

Our tutoring not only prepares students to do well on standardized tests, but also serves the authentic values of education: intellectual exploration, academic growth, joy in learning.

We rely not on “short-cuts” or test-taking tricks, but on proven methods of instruction that hold the attention of students, motivate them to learn, and build self-confidence.  

We draw upon the insights of educational pioneers such as John Dewey, whose insights about the nature of learning and motivation still inspire educators today.  We combine these insights with the results of recent research into new teaching methods that  accelerate learning and help high school students elevate their reading, writing, and mathematics skills dramatically.

Our tutors are experienced educators who adapt their guidance to the interests and needs of each individual student.  While recognizing that motivation is the key to learning, we recognize as well that success builds motivation.  We provide an educational environment that is at once supportive and challenging, helping students become skillful in test-taking, learning about the world, and living well.